About us

Neighbrsnook is a Social Networking App that makes communicating with your neighbours easier. This is a form of social media where you can interact with your neighbours without having to physically go over to their place. You can even initiate a discussion and talk about important issues in your neighbourhood enabling citizen participation in neighbourhood development.

All encompassing

End to end platform for reaching out to your neighbours. May it be for carpool or hobbies like yoga, gym, dance, painting, sports; finding dependable service providers like carpenters endorsed by your neighbours; organising events like blood donation camps etc; seeking reliable advice for child care, tuition; getting neighbours opinion before starting new initiatives in the locality: selling, donating or borrowing household or sports items.

Serving every urban neighbour’s needs

Safe and simplified communication channel amongst neighbours across apartment complexes, gated communities, individual homes etc.

Exclusive design

Native programming designed for outstanding user experience on both IOS and Android devices.